
Hi Everyone, I decided to write a new book. Check it out it’s called Trapped in Hell. It’s dark, sadistic and mature rated content. I promise you won’t regret it. 


Hey everyone so I just did an update to Beware of the girl the Red Hood. Check it out, like, comment, share it please. While your at it check out my other stories (They call her Cinderella, The Tall Tale of Rapunzel) . I really want to get back on my writing game and try to finish it and once the 3 books have been written they’ll go under editing with some revisions but right now I just want to make it best as possible. So please check it out. 


Guys please check out my second chapter to The Tall Tale Of Rapunzel. After waiting so long just to write it I have finally found the encouragement to  continue and know where to go with this story. While your at it check out my other stories because more's to come. Thank you.


Travelling and reading rock ;)
          Haiii Eve, 
          Sorry to bother you but I wanted to ask you if you could maybe check out my short story Ice Cream Boy, if you can't or don't want to, that's fine too♡♡♡


@dazedonuts it would mean alot if you checked out my new story its called Beware of the girl in the red hood you coukd even find it in my um profile @eveslim I just started it and I would really like your opinion on it if yoy wanna read it thas amazing its awesome but like if yoy dont thats awesome and cool to thank u