
I am now one year older today than I was last year. 


Thank you guys!


this message may be offensive
Holy shit, I just found out that one of my favorite books is getting a movie. Artemis Fowl. I’m sure Disney will mess up a lot of the lore and everything, but nevertheless, I hope that it ends up being good enough to watch


Those who follow me who see this, and I hope you do pay attention, my phone is being weird and not connecting to my service provider at certain times, so if I don’t respond, it’s probably because my phone is being trash and either I’m on school WiFi, which blocks like everything, or I’m on the road. Please, if you read this, respond so I know you know and I don’t let you down.


Hey, sorry to those who have current rp’s with me, my parents bought us a Wii U for Christmas and I’ve been playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild a bit, as well as Super Mario 3D World, and grinding for a challenge on War Thunder, so that’s why I’ve been primarily unresponsive! Will start those back up shortly after I post this.


Hey, for those who it pertains to, I went to a Christmas party and didn’t have WiFi or data, and just got home. It is 12:20 for me right now, and I’m hitting the hay cause I gots to help out at my church every Sunday. So, I’ll answer tomorrow. Goodnight all~!


So, for all those who follow me, two things. One, I just posted a short story I did for school that I enjoyed, and may continue but I’m not sure, so feel free to check that out! Secondly, and finally, my phone May be getting repaired here very soon, and I don’t know if they’ll be taking it away and for how long if they are, so my rp responses will slow significantly. Thank you few who are with me, and have a good one!