There is a quote that states that human tragedy is the basis of human interest (and no, Ciel didn't say that).

Well hello there, my fine-feathered friends! If you like irregular and rare updates due to procrastination and laziness, books that don't really make sense and K-pop/animé loving annoying authors, you are definitely in the right place!

I like reading and writing stories when I'm not a lazy bum and watching animé.

I also sometimes sing songs with friends or alone when I feel that my voice won't sound like Ken Kaneki getting tortured... I especially love K-pop! BTS, EXO, and VIXX are my all time favorites. ;)

I like doing homework as much as Harry likes Umbridge or Percy likes Gabe though I like fangirling over GOT7, BlackPink, Stray Kids, and many more...

I have way too many fandoms and ships since I don't have a life (like my friend @Raindroplet19 - Nah, who am I kidding? I'm the only lazy and useless k-popper in my friend group),
but seriously, why are animé and/or 2-D guys so great????? It's not fair...

And don't get me started on K-pop idols. They're freaking perfection in human form...

I speak two languages though sarcasm is my third, and native language...

I'm a Fallen Angel. I am death and sadness in a human form. Fear Me! *Says this while petting a bunny* (So scary...)

I am a sly, cold and cunning Slytherin if you know me at all. I'm also someone who sticks with her friends, wears only jeans, almost always looks cold and unapproachable and a girl who is willing to fight you if you hurt my friends. Or say that N's or V's natural skin tone is horrible. (FIGHT ME)

And if you stayed until the end of this then welcome to my profile! And please read my books and give me feedback of any sorts even though I know that later in life, I will cringe reading them!


And dear readers,
Remember this:

Never erase your memories:
The good memories help you remain happy
The bad ones show you how to remain happy
  • Running away from reality
  • انضمNovember 3, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
DiminaJackson DiminaJackson Dec 03, 2017 07:42PM
Hey everyone! I posted a new story: BTS One-Shots so please check it out and give it a read and some love! Thanks :)
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