

I'm going to go over the prologue of Into The Future, it's been a few years and I really want to touch it up. I was so concerned with making it a 1:1 with the original fanfiction of it when it  came to the prologue I guess I didn't put enough oomph into it.... If that makes sense. The update will hit here first and then be copied over to FictionPress (if it'll accept it, seeing as it's having its own issues at the moment) Again, please go to my FP profile for further updates on Into The Future! We're just close to finishing out the third arc and breaking ground on some new adventures with Facil and Co.!


Still alive an kicking, hoping you all are checking out the new chapters being posted to my FictionPress account, Into The Future has almost hit 2,000 views! You can find me there under the same name. 
          In other news, I wish Wattpad had a dark mode, especially for writing. Bright white light hurts me plenty.


For those still waiting for uploads on Wattpad dot com, they're not coming. Sad to say my revisionist has been absent for nearly 2 months without any word, his extended disappearance has me pretty concerned to say the least. If you're still looking for future chapters they're posted onto my Fictionpress page, granted they're a bit raw. Just look up "fictionpress into the future divine porcupine" I'm also on Facebook as The Divine Porcupine, can't miss me. All updates get posted there and it's where I'm the most active in general if you need to grab my attention.
          Also, I don't do links on these sites anymore because they have a nasty habit of breaking them when they get posted to prevent "phishing and scams" or whatever.  But anyways to wrap things up here, it would be nice to see you all there seeing as I'm not sure when we'll be back up on Wattpad, but even through the storm the story must go on. 


For those wondering what happened to me, I'm still alive, Into The Future is still very much alive as well. There's two chapters not uploaded here yet that can be read (Raw) over on my FictionPress account if you're that impatient! Until then, you'll have to wait until I hear back from my revisionist. 
          Thank you for still sticking along for the ride.


Disappointed in Wattpad once again, sad to see them shill paid stories on the top of the page. So much for a free site. As I made it known before, my uploads are posted first and foremost on my FictionPress page, I go by the same name there, you can search me by my stories as well. 
          As for chapter 45, It's been a slog, been trying to find my motivation after a few months of health issues. It'll be up sooner or later, I'm sorry for the wait.


Well guys, I've been persuaded easily to make FictionPress the primary station for my works. With a fraction of the followers of you guys here, Into The Future has been getting more views over on FictionPress. so I'm slowly making the transition over there. This may just as well be my last announcement here on this site, I'll still post chapters here (reluctantly), but all of my further announcements will be on my facebook page (Linked in my profile) from now on. I want little to do with this backwards, faulty, two-bit site as possible.


Alright, seeing my story fall in rankings, I need to rant. If you're reading this, know that I'm not mad at you in the slightest. I'm angry with Wattpad, I might even HATE Wattpad at this point. Not only do I have to put up with the sporadic downtimes when writing my story. But now I have to deal with tanking ratings because Wattpad would rather show you guys stories of blatant sexuality, and forced diversity. Slap any label on me and call me what you will. I don't have to prove myself to anyone about who I am. But when I can barely grow an audience because Wattpad would rather spoon feed you this cookie-cutter unoriginal Zoomer garbage, I'm going to get frustrated, and I'm going to get vocal. 
          I'm tired of seeing the view counter on my story stay stagnant for weeks on end while gay werewolf boyfriends story from some furry degenerate NOBODY starts to scratch at 100k views. THERE'S NO SUBSTANCE TO THESE STORIES! And don't get me started on the all out smutfics and fanfics here! HOLY MOLEY! THESE SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ALLOWED ON THIS PLATFORM!  AND EVEN RP'S! GO TO DISCORD OR TELEGRAM! I'M TRYING TO BUILD A CAREER WITH MY WRITING! YOU ARE TAKING UP SPACE PLAYING PRETEND WHILE EATING BOOGERS! GO AWAY.
          Geez! I swear if all that crap disappeared, wattpad wouldn't even have half of the down time it has now. But for real, I'm not wishing sexuality and diversity stories to completely be wiped from the platform, but when it's blocking other writers from growing, something needs to change. I want a chance at extending my audience. Let me have that chance Wattpad.