
I have Chlo-E-Cheese as my wonderful girlfriend :)


Helloooo, I found your profile by chance, I really liked it at first glance jeje, I'm also a fan of Showbiz, and although my english is terrible, I just wanted to tell you that it was great to read your book about Dook, I wait for the update <3


Hey listen,
          For anyone who thinks Chlo-E-Cheese is self-absorbed or mean, think for a second. People know she does so much for people and rarely expresses how she feels. Her life is actually unnaturally hectic as of the last few months and she STILL helps while the rest of the world is too busy to talk to her. I help her because I know how it feels to be hurt inside like she is. She helps everyone given the word while almost no one cares for her. If you still think she's self-absorbed, you need a life.