
Thank you, Darrell


Unless your name is Emma, you haven’t seen the wrong side of the  tracks yet. Do you ever think nobody loves you? So does Emma. Do you have a wicked step mother? Emma does. Did your parents through you away with the trash? Emma’s did. If you have ever felt sorry for yourself, and wonder, ‘If there is a God, why is he allowing this to happen to me?’. So did Emma, but she rise above her situation to take control, and challenge fate. Read her gripping story of perseverance and determination.  Due out in July.


Hi Bananer, It was fun growing up in the 60s. I'm sure you too will look back on your youth when you get my age, and remember the fun things you did as well, My son, who is a young man now, remembers the crazy things he did. Remember, as you get older body parts fail, but the mind remains active. Now days, my mine is about all I have that works well, and Memories are very important. When times get tough, and they will, you will be thank full of the crazy things you did as well. My son has heard of One Direction, and does like their music. If it's not, The Beach Boys, or Jan and Deen, I probably haven't listened to it. And please call me Doug.