
@Fanta_xx your religion is extremely bad for the development of society


What is the point in hating on something? What personal or worldly gain does anyone have for insulting other people and their beliefs, ideals or choices? 


@DrValentin4 here's the answer u freakin deserve fyi i'm not a muslim  which fyi means i don't wear the hyjab I might not believe in it but i won't talk crap abt it because i know there r billions of people in the world who do and they deserve to be respected so shove nature up ur flippin arse nd stop bein freakin ignorant ingornace is a dog so shut up and leave the people who either wear it or believe in Islam and 4 the monkey sh*t darwin was right abt sayin people evolved from monkey because lookin @ ur pic ur r a monkey who talks sh*t and needs 2 shut the fluck up (ur lucky i'm messagin cuz if i ever saw u in the street u'd get a black from me from ur sheety comments abt people who wear watever they want r they disturbin u that much also keep ur mouth in check cuz ur probably gonna get beatin up becuz of ur ignorant comment)