
Hi, I know you all haven't heard from me in a while, but a lot has been going on! So here's what is happening to all of you who have read Kill Me Sweetly:
          	Starting on Monday I will be mailing out copies of the first few chapters of my book to a few publishers and if one of them says yes, then I will have to take my book off of the website. The past year I have been editing this thing like nonstop and fixing it, so if someone says yes, I will be sure to post the news on here so it won't just randomly disappear forever.
          	Wish me luck!


Hi, I know you all haven't heard from me in a while, but a lot has been going on! So here's what is happening to all of you who have read Kill Me Sweetly:
          Starting on Monday I will be mailing out copies of the first few chapters of my book to a few publishers and if one of them says yes, then I will have to take my book off of the website. The past year I have been editing this thing like nonstop and fixing it, so if someone says yes, I will be sure to post the news on here so it won't just randomly disappear forever.
          Wish me luck!


Okay so a few days ago I said I would be done with Fifty Steps to Breaking Them Up and obviously that hasn't happened, but it's done and uploaded now and I want to say thanks to anyone who has supported it for me! I have been going through work and moving into a new house, again, and marching band practice and it feels good to finally finish that book, now I plan on publishing this one as well, even before Kill Me Sweetly so after I'm done editing it it's going bye bye, so read it now while you can and once again thank you all!


Okay I'm just going to clear some stuff up right now, I plan on finishing Fifty Steps to Breaking Them Up either tonight if I don't fall asleep right away or tomorrow morning after a beautiful nights sleep that I will enjoy, it might be the latter just so y'all know, but I am going to make the book twenty six chappies long and currently it is at twenty three, that close to being done, so it would mean a lot to me if you all read it and voted and tell me how you like it because I plan on publishing this one before Kill Me Sweetly and really need some honest feedback on here. 


Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been on for like three months but everything has been hectic and then I've been editing Kill Me Sweetly and working on Fifty Steps to Breaking Them Up (which I plan on updating today, along with my profile pic later on tonight) and then I've had work and school a few months ago and in two weeks band camp starts up so I'll be on even less that I have been, but I promise to update Fifty Steps to Breaking Them Up tonight just for all of you lovely people!


Hey everyone!
          Yes I am quite aware that I have been MIA for nearly a month, okay a month now, but it's because I have had nothing to write about and I have been spazzing about my grades since the first half of the year wasn't too great.
          But then suddenly, inspiration striked me!
          Now I'm working on this book called Fifty Steps To Breaking Them Up and this is going to be my next big project before working on the sequel to Kill Me Sweetly, it would mean a lot to me if you all read and gave me feedback because I'm mostly just writing this for the sheer pleasure of it and I don't know if I'm publishing it or not. 
          Love you all, hope to talk to most of you soon!