Hey guys!
Lot's of stuff has been update, including but not limited to The Enemy, Molly's Journal, the twist in my story, The virtuous and Summoned!
I'm really trying to be more active again; I'm going to try and get a chapter of careless whispers pounded out in the next few days and I'll be working on summoned, We're not animals, The enemy and a few others are on the list. Thankfully however I have a full day to do nothing tomorrow and that should definitly help speed the process along (As will some Stevie Nicks and fleetwood mad). :)
So quick survey, I was thinking of maybe dropping one of the stories? I feel there's just a lot on here right now and I'm curious to see if you guys are in particular interest of me dropping one of the stories. Go ahead and leave me a reply if you think I should and which one you'd suggest.
Thanks so much guys, love y'all!