
Hey guys, sorry I haven't had the chance to update in a week or so, work has been really crazy but I promise I'm working on some good stuff for you! 
          	Thanks for being so patient! 
          	Love you guys!


Hey you guys! 
          So, I've finished The Allies as well as Animals! Woohoo! 
          They are both marked as finished and I'm so happy with both so definitely give them a read if you get the chance!  I'm going to start working on Twist in my story as well as Summoned and maybe a little on Careless whispers. However, I would like to hear back from you guys about Animals! Did you like it? Would you like to see a sequel to it? 
          Please comment and enjoy!


Hey guys, what's up? 
          I'm sure you've all seen that I've been updating alot of stuff lately. I'm going to try to keep it coming. I haven't had a day off work in about two weeks so I should get some time this weekend to update some other things. It would be super helpful though if you guys could tell me what you do and don't want to see more of? Thanks!


Hey guys! Good news and bad news. 
          Bad news? I won't be able to update for a few days what with the holiday on thursday and work. I'm going to take that extra time and try and pound out a few more chapters to each story that is in desperate need of it (AKA Summoned lol). 
          Good news? I've updated LITERALLY everything else to hold you guys over until probably saturday! So please enjoy, happy reading and have a really great and safe holiday! 
          I'll see you all on Saturday! Love y'all!


Hey guys!
          So I do want to start off by apologizing that some of the parts are a little shorter than normal. I hope it's not too bad. Anyway, I have been trying to pound out as many chapters as my fingers will let me; problem being my mind goes faster than my hands lol. Anyway I'm really working to make the best for you all and I hope it's showing! I am going to have a little surprise short story next friday to get everyone in the mood for christmas! 
          I'd love to hear from you guys so please comment anything you feel, critiqueing, criticisms, comments, I'll take it! I'd love to get to know the wonderful people who are kind enough to read what I write. I also want to give a HUGE thank you to any and all who've voted on my various stories, you'll never know how much it means to me! 
          That's all for now, thanks so much y'all! Love you!


Hey guys! 
          Lot's of stuff has been update, including but not limited to The Enemy, Molly's Journal,  the twist in my story, The virtuous and Summoned! 
          I'm really trying to be more active again; I'm going to try and get a chapter of careless whispers pounded out in the next few days and I'll be working on summoned, We're not animals, The enemy and a few others are on the list. Thankfully however I have a full day to do nothing tomorrow and that should definitly help speed the process along (As will some Stevie Nicks and fleetwood mad). :) 
          So quick survey, I was thinking of maybe dropping one of the stories? I feel there's just a lot on here right now and I'm curious to see if you guys are in particular interest of me dropping one of the stories. Go ahead and leave me a reply if you think I should and which one you'd suggest. 
          Thanks so much guys, love y'all!


Are you kidding?! Thank you! Sorry I'm a little excited haha! I was worried no one would reply again  thank you though for the input it's super appreciated! 


@Dreamcatcher22310 Thank you for updating everything! And I really like all of your stories and I don't want you to drop anything! But I guess you need to do what you feel is best. 


The Enemy's first part is up!!!
          For all of you wondering, The enemy is the second book to THE HEROES!!! Shea and Benut's adventure continues! Please please check it out and don't be afraid to tell me what you think! 
          Thank y'all so much! I have so much love and respect for anyone who read the first one and I really hope the second lives up to your expectations!