
Hello, Drekensha. I am AwayAnimal81 and I saw your story about a reborn man, Kenta, becoming a Reaper. I didn't finish reading it, but I have remade the entire first chapter since I saw your notice on the latest updating saying others could continue it, with your permission of course. If you would like, I would gladly send you what I have typed to a designated e-mail address to see what you think since it's a previously made chapter and not a continuation. 
          Please get back to me if by chance you read this.


Hey Drekensha also know as Dre to your beloved readers. You are a great writer, and I think every single one of your followers and readers would rather have you continue the story of Immortal Reaper. Not trying to say that there isnt someone out there who would possibly be able to continue to story, but it would be better continued in your image and vision of the books future. Your a wonderful writer so keep up all your good work. :)