"Smile... it's the second best thing to do with 
your lips."

"This world is full of empty people."

"Sometimes the right choice isn't always the east one. Stay strong and stay true."

"I would rather go blind, than to watch you walk away from me..."

"Look at her in the eyes and f*ck her in the shower if I'm still not enough for you."

Hey! We're the E-Twins!
E-Twins because of our names, (E)vie and (E)llie.
We love music and writing about our idols!

Zarry is hot af. (bromance)
Arialena is fire.


Our stories:
•Bloody Dreams.

K bye.❤
  • Our ~E~ world!
  • IscrittoJuly 21, 2016


Storia di ♡Ellie♢Evie♡
Bloody Dreams » Z.M.&H.S. di E-Twins
Bloody Dreams » Z.M.&H.S.
Όνειρα. Μια λέξη τόσο μικρή μα όχι ασήμαντη. Τα όνειρα προβλέπουν το μέλλον ή επισημαίνουν γεγονότα του παρελ...