
Oh my God I lost my account for a while and I panicked for nearly an hour before I can figured this back pheww


Thanks for the vote on Just Write Bits prompt entitled The Warrior Within! ❤


@EinVampS It's a one-shot prompt organised monthly by @justwriteit that I had just discovered. You should check it out too, really! Hahaha


@Callester I enjoy it hahahaha(waiting) 


@Callester Thank you and hoped you enjoy reading it. Haha


OMG...this is not what i intended to do, here I am stuck with 'He' s my neighbour(HMN) ' storyline and yet i got an idea in the middle of near 2a.m. For new NaLu story. I promise it's going to be a short one. Maybe just 10 chapter and its going to be a lit! After i get this stories out of my system I'll update HMN. I' m sorry... Bear with me


Umm...To all the follower, i'm really sorry. All of the story will be on hold until December, since I have important examination for a month. Hope you guys will be patient with me. I'm truthfully sorry, please wait until everything is alright again. To the NaLu He's my doctor readers; i already finished writing the last chapter but please wait until this December. 