
Ok! Sorry my updates have been so patchy! A lot of things in my schedule are changing and so now I have less time to update. But that's ok! Don't be sad! The book that I am working on now is, in my view, going down hill. So, I think that I am gonna wrap it up with 40 or so chapters and then move on to my new idea for my next book. Then, once I have a fresh mind, I will come back and do some major editing. 


Ok! Sorry my updates have been so patchy! A lot of things in my schedule are changing and so now I have less time to update. But that's ok! Don't be sad! The book that I am working on now is, in my view, going down hill. So, I think that I am gonna wrap it up with 40 or so chapters and then move on to my new idea for my next book. Then, once I have a fresh mind, I will come back and do some major editing. 


Ok I am sorry that I haven't been updating like my bio says I do. But given that I am having to be away from the Internet more often, due to other life activities, I am going to expand everything from SOT, to even logging on, across a longer limit. The benefits are that I am giving you all a better chance to actually respond to my messages/announcements (public and private). The draw backs are that to anyone that is really hanging on to every word of my books, will have to wait longer. Sorry but I think it is better for everyone in the long run. 
          Anyway! Thanks for all the support you guys! Updates should be soon but I might have stuff going on so idk. 


            okay good to know.  can't wait for the update (:


Lol my bio actually doesn't say what I thought it did anymore. XD wow I'm so smurt XD


Hello again! Would you guys mind commenting below any people or books you would like to be in the SOT chapter this week? Please tell your friends, and I'd be happy to put as many books as possible! 
          Just leave your username and book(s) in the comments so I can assign them correctly! 
          Thanks so much!!!


@Endless_Ideas Me: tommo_girl13.   Book: YOU BELONG WITH ME


Hey sorry guys! I know I have been away for a while and sadly it might be that way for a while still. Nothing is on hold, I just can't update as much as I would like to. 
          Halloween is coming up and I am super stoked for it! I'm kiiiinnnda obsessed. I have yet to invent a costume that makes me translucent/ half invisible. Lol
          Anyway, I will try my best to update and get last Thursday's shout out up!


Ok SOT has changed a bit, for more details about what I mean, check out the actual book. Thanks guys! Sorry if I sound crabby but I'm just really tired and my life is kinda in a blender right now so just let me eat my pie and then I should be fine. XD
          Ok guys I again apologize for last weeks cancel but I will make it up! This week we have: 
          Woot woot!!  
          Also we've got our first book shout out!!! *someone in the crowd faints from excitement* ok calm down y'all! XD
          It will be featured in the SOT book and I will also share it. 
          Thanks guys! I really do appreciate all of you and I hope you can have a wonderful day/night!


Hey guys, guess who totally forgot my SOT list again? Yep it was Fred. Jk me. But I can sadly only remember like 3 or 4 of them because I didn't make a note! Plz PM me if we had already set that up! And even if not, go ahead and comment or vote and I'm sure I could squeeze you in!