My followers even if I am not in a mood of writing I still write it's just I'm too lazy and some shiii but I do want my story to be make full of sense you know? I kind of want to be like a story or a novel but it seems kind of pretty hard you have to think of a plot and you have to constantly write on a notebook on what comes next or what will happen next in the next chapter and English is my second language so I kind of have a difficult with it and hopefully all of you can read it well. Writing a story with a plot is pretty hard but I guess that is my challenge for the whole life I had hopefull my story will get successful like the others
Has anyone had a problem writing on Wattpad currently? If I write sans-serif the whole font will be affected, If I put a picture in a short amount of seconds the picture will be converted as an "obj"
Wtf Wattpad?