
Hey everybody! It's Evergreenheights1 but, I have another username and it's MermaidVampire95. I only made a couple stories! You can tell me what story you want me to make, and I'll make it! Start telling me what to make and visit my naw page! Sincerely, Evergreenheights1 aka MermaidVampire95


Hey everybody! It's Evergreenheights1 but, I have another username and it's MermaidVampire95. I only made a couple stories! You can tell me what story you want me to make, and I'll make it! Start telling me what to make and visit my naw page! Sincerely, Evergreenheights1 aka MermaidVampire95


Welcome to Wattpad! I hope you find a lot of wonderful stories to read on the site. If you need any recommendations, let me know. Thanks for voting for the first two chapters of Mermaids and the Vampires Who Love Them!!! Hope you like the rest! Britt :D