Name: Eyephone 5, but everyone just calls me Eyephone
Likes: the Internet, books, the Internet, drawing, the Internet, social media, the Internet, writing, the Internet, all of my different fandoms, the Internet, movies, the Internet, to shows, the Internet, musicals, the Internet, music, the Internet.........definitely the Internet XDD
Fandoms: too many lol

What is the definition of calm?

How can people survive without the Internet?

I'm also gonna be a contestant on an object show!!!!!! As I'm writing this I don't know what it's called or who's gonna be on it, but I guess I'll find out then. And it will be a great opportunity for me to make friends......and try to get more people into all of my fandoms XDD

I will keep you all up to date with everything that happens, and if there are any ships, I guarantee you will know asap!

To read the object show I'm on, click on @NotAnotherObjectShow
And maybe also click on @AbbieLovesButter for fanfics and fun times
  • The most random places on the internet XDD
  • IscrittoNovember 25, 2017

Ultimo messaggio
Eyephone5 Eyephone5 Nov 26, 2017 11:12AM
fun fact, if you look at everywhere that ive commented on my own, you might hear some interesting things about NAOS. more specifically the NAOS chapters in Abbies art book
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Storie di TheWorldsBiggestGeek
Le update book of geekiness and weirdness di Eyephone5
Le update book of geekiness and we...
Everyone seems to be making update books, so I thought why not. Plus, I'm join an object show soon, and I'm s...
NAOS official ask and dare di Eyephone5
NAOS official ask and dare
ok people do ask and dares all the time, and they are pretty fun, so i somehow convinced everyone in the obje...
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