Hey Y'all!
          	i'm possibly looking for people to post on my new blog, whether you would prefer to post your stories, your current thoughts or quote you come up with and want to share with the world, i'd love to you have you guys join me! if your interested reply to this post and I'll send you the link to my website as well as a link to my telegram channel if you request it. 
          	Love y'all! TCB Kenzie out!


Hey Y'all!
          i'm possibly looking for people to post on my new blog, whether you would prefer to post your stories, your current thoughts or quote you come up with and want to share with the world, i'd love to you have you guys join me! if your interested reply to this post and I'll send you the link to my website as well as a link to my telegram channel if you request it. 
          Love y'all! TCB Kenzie out!


Hey love your Rocky story no rush take all the time you need but it’s really good I hope to see more parts soon 


@FFRRLFSS i’ll go read it again ok? i will send you any inspiration that strikes!


@rockybalboawifey I'd love any help you'd be willing to offer <3


Hey y'all! 
          i'm back after a long while, just uploaded my latest book, i have 4 chapters waiting to be uploaded after this. hope you guys enjoy... it's also kind of in honor of Elvis Presley, the king of rock n' rolls birthday on saturday! love y'all enjoy! TCB Kenzie out!


Hey, thank you so much for following me!  :)


@MalefM aww! So are you! 


@Rodeo_girl_2017 thank you, you're the sweetest. :)


@MalefM your welcome! I know how much followers mean to writers!


Hey y'all!
          so yes I back, trying to work through writers block on the good accident but while i'm trying to work through that i'm going to try and start on another with buck from the good accident! so i'm super excited about that and I hope you guys are too! ETR (expected time of release) is late april to mid may if I decide its good enough to publish for you guys! anyways love you guys! 
                                                                       -Love, Kenzie!


Hey Y'all! i'm back and still alive haha! I have great news for the readers of zak bagans and alexa bliss! the time has come for the second book to start! 
          lots of unexpected surprises and new people coming in Zak Bagans & Alexa Bliss V2! I can't wait for you guys to read it and let me know what you think! release date at the moment Is undecided due to just starting on it last night but its coming! 
                                                                     -Love, Kenzie!


Hey guys! been awhile since I've both updated and posted at all and I'm sorry its been a while. anyways I've had a good excuse the last week, I've been working on yet another draft that i'm not sure if i'm going to be releasing for you guys to read or not, I haven't decided yet, if I decide to post it for everyone to read it should be out in either late October or mid November. I currently have a new project from a reader waiting for me to start on it but I haven't gotten around to it yet, y'all who love my stories please bare with me, i'll update as soon as possible.  
          I would have updated during my vacation in august like I had planned but my plans didnt work out as they were suppose to so it caused me to go into a case of serious writers block but thankfully I am back on the horse now and working on the new draft! -Love, Kenzie!