
Hey Wattpadders,
          	Over a longer period, we have had a vast overflow of stories being submitted to our RLs. It's awesome! Unfortunately, there's been so much, and we haven't been able to keep up with all your great stories.
          	Therefore, we will now be revamping our reading lists! To help us facilitate that, we will close our reading list submission forms for a short while as we set up our new lists. As soon as those forms are open again for story submissions, we will let you know. We will also notify you when our guidebook has been updated with our new reading list submission guidelines.
          	The purpose of the revamp is to enable us to build an extensive library that will allow readers to fully immerse themselves in all our favorite fandoms and the best parts of what fanfiction as a genre can offer here on Wattpad. We want to showcase even more amazing writers and their stories.
          	Thanks for your patience while we get this all sorted out. 
          	- The Fanfic team


@Fanfic how do we submit stories??? and when is the next fanfic contest?


@Fanfic Thank you for answering my question. I’ll definitely resubmit mine, and keep my fingers crossed that you add it again. 


@Jamiesgirl82 Hi there,
          	  We'll be removing all stories from our reading lists so we can start fresh. Those who have been featured previously will be welcome to submit again under the new guidelines. They will then be assessed like any other submission.
          	  Hope this answers the question!
          	  Kind regards,
          	  The Fanfic team


Te diré la verdad, extraño al viejo wattpad. Por qué  las actualizaciones de ahora son feas y el logo no es para nada lindo. 
          QUIERO AL VIEJO WATTPAD, AAH-  /sufrimiento.


@BonahPlay Este es un perfil de Embajador. Los Embajadores son voluntarios y no tienen influencia sobre esta decisión. También puedes comunicarte con Wattpad a través de las páginas de Ayuda si deseas enviar comentarios. Gracias.