Everyone, this is an important announcement, Congress voted to get rid of Medicaud and Social Security. I may not be alive much longer because of it, because my health will go downhill and I'll possibly die. I'll leave my stories up, so my legacy will continue onward. So if I do not update for over a year or three years, it means I'm possibly not around anymore. That I am dead. This was done Tuesday evening. And my parents are figuring out what to do for my care. That's more important than updating stories. I fear us disabled will lose our rights soon in America, because my state is trying to vote to get rid of disabled persons rights, and 16 more states are also suing to do so.
We are at stage 8 of enmass genocide in America, thanks to religious extremism.
Please pray no matter your religion for disabled folk like me and other American's safety.
Those who voted for the man who's our president, this affects you. And I'm pissed you voted for him.
Healthcare is a human right!