
Character chapter is up of His Princess. I'm rewatching True Blood. I'll work on the first chapter after supper.


Hello everyone my state is under a state of emergency for wildfires. Governor McMaster signed an executive order doing so. I'm also noticing I have early signs of fibromyalgia. It's starting in my hips, exactly like my mother. I gave been in bed all day from it. I could not focus enough last night to update anything, due to severe fatigue. But I feel a tiny bit better tonight. I am currently doing a character chapter of a new True Blood story. I work on the other new ones too. Just give me time. I'm still experiencing fatigue. My boyfriend is quite worried too.


I'm currently rewatching True Blood. But season 6's disc's when I got the whole series was not packed into the set, so my stories will stop at season six. I haven't had time to rebuy season six due to we have to get new washer and dryer. We got the washer, but not the dryer yet. My mother is also getting me a beginner drawing tablet. I'm gonna work on the new true blood stories the best I can I put up. The Power Ranger one, I'll update after I put new chapters on the other two and another chapter of The Walking Dead story. 


About the fire 51 minutes away from ne, the evacuation alert was taken down, I just got the alert and read it fully, firefighters are still watching over the fire overnight. I live about 45miles away from the wildfire. Roads are closed down. My county hasn't said anything yet if we should leave.  My alerts from the news comes in way too slow due to there's not many phone towers in my area.


@FanficDemon1701 I’m still going to keep my prayers for you and your family to be safe


There's wildfires 51 minutes away from my home in my state. We are keeping an eye on the news to know if we need to evacuate. It's why I haven't been online much today, as well I'm having relapse with my neuropathy. My joints are bothering me. Give me time to update things. 


Sorry I didn’t respond I was at work, but I’m glad you and your family is ok.


@KiyasConley701 firefighter's are watching the fire overnight.


@GayCreatures firefighter's are watching the fire overnight.


Everyone, this is an important announcement, Congress voted to get rid of Medicaud and Social Security. I may not be alive much longer because of it, because my health will go downhill and I'll possibly die. I'll leave my stories up, so my legacy will continue onward. So if I do not update for over a year or three years, it means I'm possibly not around anymore. That I am dead. This was done Tuesday evening. And my parents are figuring out what to do for my care. That's more important than updating stories. I fear us disabled will lose our rights soon in America, because my state is trying to vote to get rid of disabled persons rights, and 16 more states are also suing to do so.
          We are at stage 8 of enmass genocide in America, thanks to religious extremism.
          Please pray no matter your religion for disabled folk like me and other American's safety.
          Those who voted for the man who's our president, this affects you. And I'm pissed you voted for him.
          Healthcare is a human right!