
Hey guys! It would be lovely if you would read/fan/vote/comment on my friends new story Dark vs. Light. @BeAmazed @BeAmazed @BeAmazed @BeAmazed Check it out please!
          	And sorry I've left you guys hanging for so long with "Disguised.." I've just not really been into it lately but I will try my best to get a chapter up soon!


Hi guys, sorry I've been absent for a while. I'm not gonna give a bunch of excuses, I'm just gonna say I haven't been in the mood to write and haven't been finding time either. I really want to finish up 'Disguised..' soon though because I'm working on a new story, so hopefully I will be up to writing soon and have a new chappy for y'all. Thank you for being patient and sticking with me, I love all my fans:)