They told me it's a curse, why don't you hate it? I said to them: It is not a curse, it is a person like me, it is not an angel, it is not a devil, and even if it is a curse, it is the most beautiful curse, I love it❤

@FatenBk2 The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds." -John Green And you are this love

@ marshmello_9 And they told me not to trust anyone. Tell them everyone wants me to fall, to be like them, a bunch of losers who don't want anyone to say anything. But I didn't believe them, and it was because my looks were different from everyone else. I looked like a light to light up my desperate life. You were created for me and I was created to complete each other. You are my moon and I am your sun Under the slogan together and forever I love you until the last drew air.