
The person that said Uni was fun. Uhh… It can be hell sometimes. Anyway, new chapter for “Friction and Fire” is out, tomorrow a new chapter for “Driver to Heart”, then sadly, I have to stop writing for two weeks. I have to prioritise my thesis. In my bio you can see when the next chapter is expected. I will see you lot soon, love you <3


The person that said Uni was fun. Uhh… It can be hell sometimes. Anyway, new chapter for “Friction and Fire” is out, tomorrow a new chapter for “Driver to Heart”, then sadly, I have to stop writing for two weeks. I have to prioritise my thesis. In my bio you can see when the next chapter is expected. I will see you lot soon, love you <3


to all f1 writers, readers, editors, and other fans who want to be part of a group with like minded people, @thatmclarengirlie and i are launching a telegram gc for exactly those purposes: sharing ideas, yapping (probably too much) about f1, or just as mentioned, meeting others. Groupchat can be found via my Linktree or send me a dm on instagram <3


[breathe in breathe out, don’t yell out of joy in public] 
          A milestone I never thought I would have hit the moment I started writing. 100+ followers. I am grateful for every single one of you, my readers, my supporters. Thank you for reading my stories. Love you all <3


@Feelinflynn AAAA CONGRATULATIONSS!!! so happy for you <3


@ Feelinflynn  SO DESERVED!!! LOVE YOUR WORK ❤️


My favourite writer is back from hibernation! This will be something big, something on another level. 


@Feelinflynn i don't know whether to feel honored or violated but ty ig i'll pretend to like you