
Hi everyone! I re-uploaded chapter 16 because for some reason some of the chapter never uploaded. Sorry! It was only a few paragraphs towards the end. My apologies if you have already read it! It won’t happen again! 


Hi lovely’s! I just wanted to update you all on the progress of my fic The Infatuations and Disenchantments of Loving A Snake, I had the last chapter written and when I went back to edit it my laptop crashed and I lost the chapter  but I will get that chapter rewritten and posted as soon as I can! 
          I am currently in my last year of university, and only have so much free time to write.  So please be patient, I have big plans for this story and will see it through till the end! 
          Thank you to all who have been reading and those who have recently discovered and saved my fic to be read. 
          I appreciate you all! 


Hey (: just wanted to let you know that No Boundaries is going through some large editing at the moment (: I'm hopefully trying to make it better, and add more. So thank you for reading it originally, and I can't wait to see what you think of the finished product! Have a good day, and a good night. Xox


Can't wait to read it! Thanks for letting me know :)  