
Hey guys! TF RID has been delayed. Sorry. But I promise you all that it will be published tomorrow! My WiFi is bad again but it will be fixed tomorrow in the morning. Sorry, again. T^T 


Actually, never mind. I will try to load it right now when I'm done with it :D


Sorry, I took so long, here’s the next info of 'More Than Meets the Eye': Today is Ava's first day of school, Ava's really nervous and shy, but her father comforts her with words of encouragement and she has been very quiet when she got on the bus. As she got to class, Ava was really nervous around other people, but she managed to keep herself calm and confident, remembering what Sideswipe told her last night before she introduced herself to the class and tells about herself, but she was very depressed to tell everyone about her parents' divorce, before taking a seat next to a cheerful and energetic girl, despite being shy around her. In all the while, Ava and her classmate became friends as they talk about what they have in common. When school's over, Ava and the peppy girl said their goodbyes while she waits for the bus for a moment, until she was surprised to see a certain red sports car and she asked him what's he doing here when she got inside, then Sideswipe answered that Bumblebee asked him to pick her up because he said she needed protection and that Sideswipe is her guardian, which Ava didn't mind as she tells him about school while asking if Cybertron has a school.
          At the scrapyard, Ava was excited when Grimlock told his POV how he and his friends captured Bisk, a lobster-like Decepticon. Feeling bad for Fixit wanted to get out in the field, Ava comforts him that he's still capable of being in the team before Fixit sadly left just as she wanted to cheer him up. When Russell's friend arrived, Ava lied about Bumblebee being her father's car while she couldn't help but smile that Russell made a new friend named Hank.


@katrupp03 You mentioned Miko somewhere


No, there’s only a Miko in Transformers Prime.


@katrupp03 No, it's alright. You don't have to worry about being "late". I really really really really love your ideas! Especially when you put Sideswipe with Ava. Nice! So the new friend Ava makes is Mikko??? 


HELLO!!!!! Sorry I took so long. I've been feeling down and depressed for some personal reasons. But guess what? I'll be back very soon! I'll start writing again either this weekend or Monday. I'll be back for more!!! Love y'all! <3


@FrozenKnee1234  btw i just opened wattpad after... 1 week?


@FrozenKnee1234 damn, I hope you feel better... Wish you good luck!! ♥♥♥


          these links can help with your transformers rid story if you want them dude.


@FrozenKnee1234 don't mention it and good to know dude.


@GSP1230 thnx! I already have the playlist though but thank! I'll see when I can continue it T^T


          Hello Do you want an idea for a new story?


@stella73529337 ok! I'll follow you as soon as I get home! :D


            I found you at instagram


Bad news, people. I won't be able to publish any part of any book this week or the following week because of my depression. I'm sorry but this month it's not my month. I do not like it. I get depressed easily. I'm sorry, again. Maybe I will change my mind during the week but not right now. I hope you all understand T^T


          Hey there my friend, how are you doing?
          Any progress on RID 2015? Just curious. 
          How often are you updating chapters? I just want to keep a track for the new chapters so i wouldn't check your book for update every single day.


            Ok got it, hope that you will get better.


@PetGriggory Hey! I'm well! The RID book....? Oh! Yea! I might continue it tomorrow or today. Sorry I haven't updated anything. I've been.... In depression. Sorry. It's just that this month is not my month. No, I'm not in my menstruation. I'm just saying I don't like this month right now for personal reasons. But don't worry! I'll continue it when I have the chance. Try checking every other day that is published, got it? :D


Okay, here’s the info for 'Trust Exercises': When waking up this morning, Ava still remembers that it's still the weekend and Bumblebee is coming to pick her up, so she got dressed in her official outfit and headed to the kitchen where her mother made breakfast after he got tired from work, then she tells him that she's going to a friend's place for the day (If by 'friend's place', she meant the scrapyard where the Autobots are) while keeping the Autobots a secret from him. Hearing a honk, Ava realized Bumblebee's here as she packed her stuff in her travel backpack and met up the yellow Autobot, who drives her to the scrapyard after stating their polite greetings. At the scrapyard, Ava politely greeted her newfound friends and they were all glad to see her here, although Ava was a little weary around the Dinobot, Grimlock. Bumblebee suggested for the team's training exercise by trusting each other, much to Strongarm's excitement and Sideswipe's annoyance. Ava asked if she wanted to watch them and Bumblebee accepted by telling her to watch Sideswipe and Strongarm partner up together, much to their dismay as Ava was glad to have a first assignment.


@katrupp03 Love it! I really really love that you are putting Ava and Sideswipe together XD 


When Sideswipe came back, Ava will be telling him about Strongarm INSTEAD of Russell, and wanted to come along with him, Sideswipe wanted to object but Ava stated that she really wanted to help like she stated yesterday, then after a moment, Sideswipe couldn't help but smile at her determination and transforms into vehicle mode, telling her to hop in and Ava excitedly went inside of him. While searching Strongarm, Ava wisely explained about how to get respect and learn how to gained her trust while Sideswipe silently stares at her. Sideswipe and Ava watches the wolf-like Decepticon talking to a chained Strongarm with his charms, then Ava wanted to go there and free her, but Sideswipe stops her by telling her it's too risky and Ava stated that she can't stay hidden and do nothing, asking him what to do. At Sideswipe's statement, Ava has a bright idea before they went to the hunting lodge and she explains to him about her plan, which made Sideswipe feel unsure if the plan didn't work and Ava gets caught, but he doesn't objected as he tells her to run and hide if the plan doesn't work.
            After Sideswipe distracted the Decepticon named Steeljaw and Ava freed Strongarm, Ava got caught as she was frightened by Steeljaw but she puts a brave face and smacks his faceplate with the crowbar she's holding before she runs away to safety. After the fight, Steeljaw disappears and Ava was worried that she hasn't seen the last of Steeljaw. At the scrapyard, Ava was a bit shy when Strongarm thanked her for saving her and Ava smiles at the two teen bots' interaction, feeling that they're gonna be great teammates before Sideswipe offered to take her home since it's a school night.
            How’s that?


In the forest, Ava watch Sideswipe and Strongarm argue and she wanted to stop them, but she was a little nervous on what to say. Ava couldn't help but giggle at this adorable scene from Grimlock and Bumblebee, then she just stood there watching the two teen bots wrestle each other in worry before Bumblebee drives her back to the scrapyard. While watching the Autobots leave on their missions, Ava politely asked Fixit about their planet Cybertron as she wanted to know everything about them. When Fixit extensively explained about Cybertron, he got a bit carried away with the details and wanted to apologize to her, but Ava assured him that all this information was very interesting, much to Fixit's excitement since he never have anyone to talk to and Ava was enthusiastic about learning more about Cybertron history. While Denny and Russell went out, Ava continues to listen to Fixit until Strongarm contact the command center as it went off, much to Ava's worry that Strongarm could be in trouble.