She is currently teaching at Miami Dade College North. The entire collection of poetry in this book was a finalist for the Lauria/ Frasca Prize.  Her poetry has appeared in Open Minds Quarterly, The Outsider, The Awkward Mermaid, The Apeiron Review, and Stay Weird and Keep Writing. Her creative nonfiction has been featured in The Scarlet Leaf Review, The Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, The Route Seven Review, The Chaos, and The GNU Journal. Also, her essays have been published in the Sliver of Stone, Lady Literary Magazine, The Adanna Literary Journal, The Watershed Review and The Almagre Review. The Medusa Laughing Press published "Illegal Exhumation" in their anthology of micro texts. The Saw Palm and The Raw Art Review are set to publish more of her work in the future.
  • Fort Lauderdale, Florida
  • InscritJanuary 3, 2019

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Fulton24 Fulton24 May 26, 2019 07:21PM
Sometimes you feel like a poetry poser.
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