@RoyalPain-er  She made an imaginary frame with her hands to border around his face, closing one eye to concentrate. "Hmm. You got the looks and personality for it." she said with a cheeky smile. "Just not the attitude."


@RoyalPain-er Shiro's cheeks showed tint of red but he shooked his head as he calmed himself down. He looked up and looked at her then smiled. "If then, you'll be the princess~" Shiro laughed with a peace sign.


@RoyalPain-er  She made an imaginary frame with her hands to border around his face, closing one eye to concentrate. "Hmm. You got the looks and personality for it." she said with a cheeky smile. "Just not the attitude."


@RoyalPain-er Shiro's cheeks showed tint of red but he shooked his head as he calmed himself down. He looked up and looked at her then smiled. "If then, you'll be the princess~" Shiro laughed with a peace sign.


@TheIdenticalTwins- Remi shook her head as she laughed. "Shiro, the gullible prince charming." she jokes. 
          ((*pats head* Good doggy. So obedient  0u0 lol))


@RoyalPain-er (( Whoops~ xD ))


@RoyalPain-er "Gullible prince charming..?" He repeated quietly then he jolted a bit. "I may be a gullible person but Im not a prince charming, ya know~" He replied, waving his hand dismissly and chuckled a bit.


"R-remi-chan!~" Shiro waved at her with a grin.
          ((Long time no chaaaaat~!))


@RoyalPain-er "w-wah! I d-didnt meant to hurt you!" Shiro stated panicking and bowed slightly. "I-im sorry!" 
            ((:O You've been dying cuz of boredom?! T3T Im very soooorryyy!! *bows* xD))


@TheIdenticalTwins- She feigns her shock. "Me? Scary?" She clutched her heart dramatically. "I'm hurt." 
            ((I accept your apology, even though I've been dying of boredom ~.~))


@RoyalPain-er Shiro jolted as his cheeks showed tint red and looked down. "I-im not!~" He stuttered then shook his head. "But Remi-chan is still pretty yet scary~" He teased her with a laugh.
            ((Nahhh~ Its fine!~ And besides, I was busy ^3^ Sorry for not chatting you like centuries!~ XP))