

📖↙ Books ↘📖

🤜 coming up 🤛

↪ Dom's snowflake

↪ good girls go bad

↪ Luke's flower

↪ Hobbs princess

↪ Glenn's badass

↪ Our light

↪ Don't play nice

↪ 3 uchiha love

↪ Bad child

❄↙ Sill going on ↘❄

↪ Love of both

↪ The broken girl

↪ Gods and Goddesses

🌺↙ Completed ↘🌺

↪ Itasaku (Akastuki members)

↪4 years without you Sasuke

↪ My lovely human

↪ my little swan

↪ Our mate

See ya later 💜💜
  • انضمJanuary 14, 2018

الرسالة الأخيرة
Galaxyorigins Galaxyorigins Nov 02, 2021 05:50AM
hey everyone I forgot to say this I'm going to be sending all of my works to my new account to be writing reason is that I rewrite all of them before taking Down the ones of this account so follow th...
عرض جميع المحادثات

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