
          	We're dating now <3<3


Adorable and the mrauders 
          Please could you make it about watching her life and how she got with Sirius and how the black family are under blocks by albus Dumbledore even adorable and she finds out in her first year walking to the library and hearing about a inheritance you could take to find out about her family so she takes one and she’s shocked 


While this is an amazing idea I’ve already have a plan for where I’m taking that story and while I know what I want to do writes block is really kicking my ass rn so I’m getting into some of my other interests to try and get the creative juices flowing again lmao good thing tho is that one of your ideas I had already planned on using but I’m not gonna say which one cause I don’t want to spoil anything 


          I don't know what to do anymore I loved him when he liked other people and instead I was there for him when that person broke his heart, I confessed after giving him months of time and even after him and his ex became friends again and I accepted that he said he didn't want to date anyone else because of all the heart break he had been through I accepted him for all his faults and quirks I was there when NO ONE ELSE was just to be tossed aside and forgotten about as soon as he changes his mind about dating and gets a new partner being in love with him for the last 2 and a half years has been complete agony but at the same time just having those few moments where it was just us and he relied on me was a feeling I wish I could get back 
          I need advice 


@anonymousity666 that's the thing I haven't  seen him in person since may of 2021 and we haven't had a full on conversations since January of this yr when he helped me get through the death of my granddad  and still have feelings for him and Its just been getting worse of how I feel for him because every time I try hiding how I feel from others when not even my family or closest friends can tell something is off with me he can and he'll call and talk me through it and he has been reaching out more after his bf ghosted him and he realized that being with his now ex was making him distant from his friends so even through not seeing each other in person for over 2 yrs and not talking a lot my feelings for him just keep growing
            I honestly have no idea what to do and I don't want to get in a relationship with someone else while being in love with him and knowing I won't be giving my all to that person 


@GodHatesThisShadow That really sucks. I had a similar situation happen to me, and it took spending an extended period of time away from him to get over it. My best advice would be to stay away from him, even if he asks you not to stay away. Just remember this is for you and not him.