Well, if you enjoyed the kind of advice I gave Scavinger I would suggest you read WoP Quest.
I mean, the version on Wattpad is the raw, unrefined version of WoP Quest, but at least it's free. Heh. If I let people read the edited, ready-to-print version I'd be bankrupting myself.
I'm not sure what kind of advice you're looking for, and I don't know what kind of advice would benefit your story the most. So the only thing I can say is this :
I suggest you give WoP Quest a go, look & read it carefully, break down the story elements I used and examine how I made the pieces blend & come together.
There's no such thing as a subpar or lousy element in storywriting - There're only misused ones. Themes that are light & ridiculous fit children stories better, themes that are darker and more sombre fit adult novels better. In the end, it's what the writer makes of it and how they use it.
You simply need to compare what you understand from my own story, and gain the experience in breaking the elements down. Once you do, you can critique your own work objectively as well.