
I'm officially back! I'm starting to write again, and it feels so......FREE!  I can't wait to churn out new chapters! <3


@Gothlovestory whooppoopooo yayy!!!!


Hi, could you pass through my work fragments of my soul? Say that the content is passed to English, as French and Spanish, especially to make understanding easier. Sorry for the spam, but above all for the inconvenience, that may have caused you, also tell you that there may be errors in passing poetry from Spanish to English, English is not my first language and very well I do not give myself, although I must confess that it is a language that I not only like but I love! Huge kisses :) and thanks for everything! Thank you for being so kind, and patient: D: 3: 3 
           if you like something you vote, there are poems and texts!


Sorry guys! I know I don't reply, comment, read, write, etc anymore. I'M TAKING A BREAK FROM WATTPAD. Ik you guys probably hate me for it, but I realized I'm not putting my heart into my books on this website anymore, and I realized why. These are not my genres, I noticed that I've had to rewrite hours worth of chapter just because it became too........erotic. So I realized, I'm definitely a romance/erotica author, and Wattpad is not the place for it. One day I will come back, but I am writing on another site ( I'll tell you babes eventually). Wattpad has opened some doors for me though, as I've been asked to do collabs, and I get messages daily telling me how much I helped people, and asking for advice, and likes, votes, comments, adding to reading list, and the works. You babes have given me so may opportunities and I can't repay you guys for it. After this message I'm logging out for what could be the last time, so I won't say good bye, but I'll see you later. Bye babes. 
          Tina xx


Hello, you are amazing! I have been reading one of your stories, and I love it, once I started reading, I couldn't stop! Your girls guide book has helped me a lot, so I would like to thank you! You are AMAZING! Can we please be friends?