
Random thought (you're welcome to laugh if you want): 
          	A Vikings soulmate AU fanfic...


@GryffinclawWolf I mean, you're writing might not be entirely rubbish. There are times where I'm like "oh, I should just delete it" and then someone comments saying they like my story and hope I update it soon! Leaves me mindblown every single time! Have faith in yourself and your writing!
          	  But I understand what you mean, hopefully someone writes it. I have a vikings fanfic but idk if I could do the soulmate trope with a show like vikings


@Jazzybean14 Oh no, no no no no no. I can't write it. 
          	  And no, it's not because I don't WANT to write it, it's because I CAN'T. I have tried to write fanfictions, and they all end up either being rubbish or I don't finish them, so asking me to write a fanfiction is a terrible idea. 
          	  It was actually meant more as an idea for others, if there were others/someone/anyone who would find it interesting to write  it...


Random thought (you're welcome to laugh if you want): 
          A Vikings soulmate AU fanfic...


@GryffinclawWolf I mean, you're writing might not be entirely rubbish. There are times where I'm like "oh, I should just delete it" and then someone comments saying they like my story and hope I update it soon! Leaves me mindblown every single time! Have faith in yourself and your writing!
            But I understand what you mean, hopefully someone writes it. I have a vikings fanfic but idk if I could do the soulmate trope with a show like vikings


@Jazzybean14 Oh no, no no no no no. I can't write it. 
            And no, it's not because I don't WANT to write it, it's because I CAN'T. I have tried to write fanfictions, and they all end up either being rubbish or I don't finish them, so asking me to write a fanfiction is a terrible idea. 
            It was actually meant more as an idea for others, if there were others/someone/anyone who would find it interesting to write  it...


Quick question to anyone who has posted a (or more) Blind Channel fanfiction(s):
          Are any of you on Quotev?
          If you are not, would it be alright for you if I posted your works there? I will be adding a link/description leading them (the readers on Quotev) to the original author, of course.
          In advance, thank you for your time


@GryffinclawWolf I'm in quotev! my user on there is elzie:)


Idk how to explain more about it, other than that I'm in a Blind Channel-phase (if you can call it that) and if anyone want to post their stories on other websites (like Quotev) but don't have an account there (or don't want to have an account) then I'd like to post their stories (with link to the original author) to help promote their works and let other people read them... if that makes sense


Could you explain more about it, idk anything?


WHAT A FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap, that was such a crazy match! Seriously, I was sitting on the edge of my seat during the entire game! Then it even ended in a penalty shoot-out and WOW, Donnarumma was INCREDIBLE as keeper!!! I think it's safe to say that 2021 is Italy's year because it's not coming home... IT'S COMING TO ROME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@GryffinclawWolf im not that into football but Italy definitely deserved the win but I did watch the match with my parents last night! Honestly quite glad people will have stopped blasting 'its coming home'


WHAT A FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap, that was such a crazy match! Seriously, I was sitting on the edge of my seat during the entire game! Then it even ended in a penalty shoot-out and WOW, Donnarumma was INCREDIBLE as keeper!!! I think it's safe to say that 2021 is Italy's year because it's not coming home... IT'S COMING TO ROME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Guys, it's been a day since the semi-final between Denmark and England and I still cannot get over it. And if any of you are wondering: No, I'm not upset about the fact that we lost; I'm upset about the WAY we lost.
          Simon Kjær accidentally scoring OG (own goal), that's something that no one could do anything about since Sterling most likely would have scored anyway. But the fact that England got a penalty... disturbs me a bit. I've seen the clip several times, and each time it highly looks like Sterling just let his leg dangle (if that makes sense), I just think he fell to the ground way too easily.
          Whether you disagree or agree with my comment on the game I would love to know your thoughts, so please write a reply if you want


          We're strong and have no fears
          We're the vikings, we're in town
          But we're up against the English
          So we know we're going down


Wassup guys, if anyone is thinking about writing a fanfic/Oneshot/imagine about Blind Channel then, please tell me 'cause I would LOVE to read it. And if any of you don't know who they are; they're a post-hardcore (violent pop) band from Finland, and they represented Finland at the Eurovision Song Contest with their song Dark Side. I'd definitely recommend listening to their songs


@GryffinclawWolf thank you so much! im so glad you enjoy it!


@-welcometonewyork- Lucky for you I JUST read it and I already LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!