hello hello hello!
Anna here! I'm horrible at writing these profile blurbs, but here goes.
Important stuff first: the fandoms I'm in.
Harry Potter, of course. I'm a proud Gryffindor, and Jily is my otp.
Merlin. I just want to give Merlin a hug and love him forever.
Hamilton. I know every word and I have converted several innocent humans into super fans.
Percy Jackson.
Les Miserables.
Lord of the Rings.
I feel like I'm leaving something out but honestly there's just too many to count.
I'm starting to plan a marauders fanfic, and hopefully I'll start actually writing some of it sometime soon. Things are a bit overwhelming with school and fall musical, but I will eventually find the time to write.
I'm also working on some fanart that will go along with it.
Anyway, if you bothered to read through my ramblings, thanks muchly and I hope you have a lovely day!
- The Richard Rogers Theater. I wish.
- IscrittoDecember 16, 2015
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