*        sorry for the complete lack of inactivity,  i’ll get to replies after i get home from school!!!   i’ve just had a lot of tests these past few days so it should pick up again soon  ((:


:: <3 take your time 


it’s not good to look for trouble, boy. i suggest you keep walking. 


you don’t want to find out. this situation doesn’t concern you. so i’d appreciate it if you’d mind your business. 


*  @thunderist  - —        “    oh yeah   ?    what’re you gonna do about  it   ?    and how  d’you  know i’m looking for trouble  ,   huh   ?    maybe i’m just  lookin’  for a good time  .    “


ell! you look so cute today c:


awe you’re so sweet. but you really look adorable. i’m looking forward to that chicken casserole. 


*  @raredeity  - —        “    lia   !    right back at you  ,   you’re really out here outdoing everyone  ,   huh   ?    and thanks  ,   but compared to you   ?    pssh i’m nothin’  .    “


*  @guiltycorpses  - —        a brow raised at the woman’s words  ,   an almost cocky smirk dancing on the man’s expression  .     “    no  ,   i don’t know  .   care to enlighten me   ?    “
            ╱     not as late as this reply,  you’re all good!!!


back for more? what do you want. 


( there was a brief moment where she paused at that. she had heard that speech before…yes. from someone wise. this was one of the first times the young man said something that she agreed with.)  i just quoted you. so i assume that question should be aimed at yourself.
            :: ofc, feel free to drop whenever.


*  @concealedwrath  - —        a scoff escaped the young man  ,   his jaw clenching as he  side — eyed  the bar tender  ,   as if attempting to glare him into working up the ordered drinks faster  .     “    ╱   wow   ╱    .     you’re hilarious  ,   y’know that   ?    “     the sarcasm oozed out of the man  ,   his glare turning towards the woman  .     “    you must have heard that whole mature speech from someone really wise though  ,   right   ?    “
            ╱     so sorry for the late reply bestie,  i missed the chaos that is their interactions  <3


you get bent easily. i could expand it but only mature people understand that, so i won’t expect you to grasp it. ( she couldn’t help but feel her lips pull into a small smirk.)


،   @HIGHREST   ﹟         *     a smirk spread across the captain's features,   taking it's time in creeping up past the corners of his mouth.    a raised brow accompanied the lifted mouth,   perfectly shaped and trimmed to fit the  " finer things in life "  status the young man held.     *      oh kurt   . . . .     always so quick to fire back with an insult.    why would i leave you alone    ?    someone as pretty as you should at least know the dangers of being alone in a coffee shop.    oh,   wait,   i meant someone as pretty as me.    if i'm alone and get hurt,   won't you feel a little guilty    ?      *     the teasing tone of sebastian's comment made the pitch of his voice curl upwards towards the end of his question.    he wore a proud look,   as if he were happy about getting a rise out of the other male.     *