Novelist. Poet. Architect. Connector of dots.

My focus on Wattpad is to write science fiction stories that transcend and unite us. As a world citizen who has resided in multiple countries, I blend Eastern and Western perspectives into my narrative.

Read my latest work:
Shards of a Cielo Dream - a short story anthology

Find out more about me:
  • Island 06, The Republic of Stratos
  • ПриєднавсяAugust 12, 2020

Останнє повідомлення
HCLeung HCLeung Apr 12, 2024 08:30PM
Long time no see! It's been a while since I've added content to this account. LIfe had been extremely busy for me. I've been able to write shorter nonfiction fiction for Medium, but that's about it....
Переглянути всі бесіди

Історій від HC Leung
The Four Winds від HCLeung
The Four Winds
What if you come across a box said to contain an immense and horrifying power? Would you open it? And how wou...
The Shards of a Cielo Dream від HCLeung
The Shards of a Cielo Dream
One dream, many shards. Where does the past end, and where does the future begin? Welcome to my short story...
The Songs of Polaris від HCLeung
The Songs of Polaris
Once upon a time, an advanced civilization resided in the Polaris system. Its people were immortal and capabl...
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