
          	:o I didn't even know you'd know about the reading list thing..(wattpad noobism! )
          	I love, love your story and I can't wait for its next update. 
          	It IS awesome and well paced and well written and it's nice to see that amidst all the pain and suffering, the characters remain strong in their hope and faith- and you bring this out so well, despite the setting. 
          	So yeah, continue to do your thang gurl! 
          	(but I also want you to kill it this Ramadan so focus on that!).
          	P.s. wa alaikum salaam! Ramdhaan Mubarak! :D 


hahah don't worry I was the same when I first joined wattpad!
          	  JazakAllah khair, thank you so much for your beautiful words (= I think it's so important that my characters remain positive and firm in their belief and I'm glad you've realised that and appreciated it! 
          	  Ramadan Mubarak to you too and may it be filled with joy and blessings. 


Salam Habiba! Thanks for the follow dear =)
          haha, that profile pic! R.I.P diet indeed xP


            Salaam sis! I'm liking your story so far- and I know those characters so I was all like 'squeeee' when you said you'd be writing it :). 
            I'm also sitting here, in sweatpants and with greasy hair, Wattpading (Copyright: SmilingHearts) :D


          :o I didn't even know you'd know about the reading list thing..(wattpad noobism! )
          I love, love your story and I can't wait for its next update. 
          It IS awesome and well paced and well written and it's nice to see that amidst all the pain and suffering, the characters remain strong in their hope and faith- and you bring this out so well, despite the setting. 
          So yeah, continue to do your thang gurl! 
          (but I also want you to kill it this Ramadan so focus on that!).
          P.s. wa alaikum salaam! Ramdhaan Mubarak! :D 


hahah don't worry I was the same when I first joined wattpad!
            JazakAllah khair, thank you so much for your beautiful words (= I think it's so important that my characters remain positive and firm in their belief and I'm glad you've realised that and appreciated it! 
            Ramadan Mubarak to you too and may it be filled with joy and blessings. 


          Wa alaikum salaam sis- I love you already! :D
          I came here looking for well written, well paced stories and so I'm glad to have come across your work. You had me at the synopsis! Keep up the excellent work! <3


Oh well! What can I say now sis!.....Thank you so much for that and I hope you enjoy reading it!! <3