
6. On hearing good news, it is Sunnah to do sujood for shukr, which does not even require one to be facing qiblah, wearing a headscarf, or to be in wudu. However, shaithan whispers to man that he is miserly, and should do two units of prayer for 'salath ash shukr'- prayer for gratitude. Also to do a shukr after every obligatory prayer is Bid'ah as this was not a way of the prophet (pbuh), not did he advise it or accept it as practice. Another way that shaithan whispers in the salah is to suggest to do a sujood sahwu every time in order to "cover-up" for any mistakes, this is also not the reason prescribed for sujood sahwu.
          	7. Another commonly prescribed Bid'ah is to set aside a day as special for specific forms of worship when such a day which is not legislated in the sunna, such as the 15th of Sha'ban, Isra and Meraj or the birthday of prophet (pbuh).
          	8.Bid'ah in leaving something: This refers to abstaining from something that is permissible as a part of a worship. For example, to remain unmarried in order to be devoted to the deen. This is not from the way of the prophet (pbuh), so it is not considered a worship. Other examples are not to sleep on the bed, rather sleep on the floor as a part of worship. Allah does not want difficulty for man; rather Allah wants ease for us, but when we leave the straight path, we take the path of difficulty and one that goes against our fitrah, and ultimately it does not benefit us in the akhira.
          	May Allah protect us from bid'ah✨


@zeebuggg wa antum fa jazakumullahu khair❤❤❤✨


a small token of kindness [ 28th january 2023 ] 
          heart that loves waters of wrinkles, a grave that loves a man of death and bones;  years of cold and hours of a backyard mirrors. floods of decades, hormones of violence; peace of unfamiliarity, an autumn of heart ache. 
          a jam of blue as a fight of love, a poet centuries old lurking in the present; lemons and neighbours, peaches and lungs. sins sacred before mercy, broken palms and roads of birth; sunset embroidered with veins, years fossilised with ricochet pain. 
          frosted letters, casual accents; love of bruised knuckles, a sip of sacred venoms. fingers of declaration, windshield dust; a lump of liability, a suffocated drink of laughter. an island where a soul sinks, oceans where the bodies bath; a thread of silk that cuts like glass. 
          evaporated pressure, fiery torrents; soul frozen and waltz of wakefulness. meadow of dawn, a canopy of a pleaide; frothing yearns and rippling reasons. death so close, yet addressed as cold; not every flower can be sweet, not every good heart can have enough honey. 


a small token of kindness ( 21st january 2023 ) 
          bruised october, champagne bread; weeping permissions and tightened braids. a mother of brass, windows of pages; ebbs of midnight, divided miseries. 
          copper sprain, malachite oxygen; birds of meetings, broken silences. venn of the woods, the wind and the windpipe; foreign vowels, submerged wrinkles. wet crayons, scents of blue; crisp metaphors and pigeon hues. 
          palms of desserts, midnight sober; fire that slips, a womb of sonnets. lemonade poems, an annihilating waist; casual grave, a whisper of conclusions. a poet of confessions, a sky of sin; sacred rain, storm antique. 
          blurry opals and cigarette soliloquies; swaying septum and a bouquet of tattood ribs. spine of butter, vinegar patio; breastbone shelter, cronus love. white doorstep, a welcome ghost; trees forget leaves, winter shrinks bones. 


a small token token kindness (01st january 2023)  
          steadfast sunsets, crooked mornings; lake a crowd of gleaming mournings. lyrics that burn, bones hopeless; tongue of wind, it rarely stays. a future of magma, temple and cityscape; humans among humans, a home bereft. 
          a birth that bleeds, a firmament of fleeting wisps; feet smelling of earth, lips a facade, what we appreciate. filigree like rain, a blush of darker reign; summer distorted, desert a burning lace. panaroma of a kaleidoscope, a bard like grackle; pits of doubt and a park of frission. 
          jardin de tuileries, seeds of breezes; memory endearments and waves of freedom. satin scents, devoted petals; barricaded branches and canvas of dripping enchantments. convivial music, lily trenchants; reflective denouements, fulgent waterfalls of wisterias. 
          violent fears, chalices of secrets; numbing encouragements,  frosted vanilla. oscillating mountains, cloved cessations; tainted vicolos, bricks of dried redolences. parasols of petrichor, labyrinth of moonflowers; tower of desire, rose precipices. keep a smile, with flowers divine; they grow not on well made roads but through the rough womb of mother earth. 


a small token of kindness (28th december 2022) 
          hidden parks and streams like earthquakes; what has fallen, what has suffocated lustrous. burning flocks of yarned succors, thousand cuts on a black december. with darkness there is no sight, no diversity, no light; what is underneath, how much pain unseen. 
          spruced thunder and rain that shivers; bones of roses, salt that slivers. rainbow that crinkles and wrinkles evanescent; equinoxes that confess, odes that raucously bleed. naive dew with dragonflies of sunsets, knots consumed, blush of ashes frozen. 
          vivid breaths, dawn that palpitates; speckled red that glows, ocean water thickens with native noor.  a fortresses of mares and massacres; persimmons and rose quenched murderers. waist caressed with waterfalls, stories of prison; what if simple steps should be celebrated? 
          scarce metaphors, ignited honour; orange burns, peripheral endurance like november's. chestnut crowns, mysterious surrenders; wandering spines and vivacious respect. allow the storm to scream, to be verocious; you must remain silent, you must have it betrayed. 


a small token of kindness (07th november 2022) 
          patterns on palms and paws, warriors of lost tears; smears and sunlight immersed in veins; water and wax, both who prick sins. mind the bashful door, the silhouettes of skins unfurnished; freedom is only if the streets are not crowded with regret. 
          ports of integrity and boats of grace; rain a moon that reverberates, a storm and wings with their own mind. condemn the sky and its fingers of silver syllables; what cannot hold blood can only ever be vacant. 
          secure the horizon, wash the world with ancient rhymes; hang the throat by its heart. song of canaries, struggling cabarets; they say nature is weak where footprints are dense. here is the hand, the hand of reckoning; sometimes stalwart beneath abyss. 
          tides crash into limbs, limbs of salt and tsunamis; hope dragged in a slipstream, gratitude weather worn, vehement. find me in seas and mysteries; lock your eyes with the breathless cerulean. be it silly or be it the law; do not water a thorn hoping it will grow as a rose. 


Assalamualaikum Hafsa api!! How r u? It's been so long I am active on wp and talked with u. 


@Qalb-E-Qari *laughs* haan patha hai...


@Hafsa_2311 matlab main meri baat karrahi thi 


@Hafsa_2311 Han like asman or jameen lol