
Yoooo people, so earlier I posted Chapter 2 of "My (Un)Expected Love Story" so go check it out! Later gators 


Hi guys! So I just posted the first chapter of: "My (Un)Expected Love Story". So, go check it out! Hope you guys like it :) I have lots of plans for this story, but if you have any ideas feel free to message me or if I'm not following you, comment below and ask me and I'll do that. That is all! :) ~HarryhazStyles 


Hello all! :) Just thought I'd let you guys know I'm thinking about starting another story. I've been working on it. But I feel like I'll write a few chapters and then publish them. That way I'll know if I have a route that I want the story to go down. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far if you're out of school, and for those of you that are hang in there dudes, but anyway just thought I'd give you that update. Love you all. Thank you for supporting my works! 
          Until next time ;) 