HecticMindz Jan 15, 2015 Reportar ComentarioEnlace al comentarioCódigo de conductaPortal de Seguridad de Wattpad @cigarvtte you make an excellent point Ver 0 respuestas más
sboppp Oct 21, 2014 Reportar ComentarioEnlace al comentarioCódigo de conductaPortal de Seguridad de Wattpad este mensaje puede ser ofensivo the really hot piano player that i was talking about is also an amazing singer. i forgot to tell you that. when i say he is an amazing singer i'm talking like HOLY F*CKING SHIT CRAY man good. Ver 2 respuestas más sboppp @HecticMindz I know, I was so gutted. maybe we'll see him tomorrow Oct 23, 2014 • Contestar Reportar ComentarioEnlace al comentarioCódigo de conductaPortal de Seguridad de Wattpad HecticMindz @13_ravya I saw my cousin tonight and I found out his full name. However he is taken and completely infatuated. Oct 23, 2014 • Contestar Reportar ComentarioEnlace al comentarioCódigo de conductaPortal de Seguridad de Wattpad