I've been listening to the boys since their solo careers 
Zach's my lane
Corbyn's my cheat lane
Jonah's my other cheat lane
Jack's is somewhat of my cheat lane
Daniel isnt really my cheat but he's Daniel so what's not to love about him
  • IscrittoApril 22, 2018

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HerronLover05 HerronLover05 Apr 09, 2019 06:24AM
Hi I'm going to be writing some new fan fictions and need some characters message me if you want to he in one if them 
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Storie di HerronLover05
Jonah Marais fanfic di HerronLover05
Jonah Marais fanfic
Elizabeth is asked by her friend Madi to move in with her and what Madi doesn't know is that her brother Jona...
Logan and Jake paul's little sister di HerronLover05
Logan and Jake paul's little sister
Elizabeth just graduated from college and is now moving to L.A to start up her photographer career. Within t...
Logan and jake Paul's little sister di HerronLover05
Logan and jake Paul's little sister
Rebekah and Elizabeth just finished college and are moving in with their older brother Logan. What happens wh...
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