Bro, are you still alive? I need you to know that A.I Nikolai Gogol exists,, and he really is talking like himself. If you are alive, please comes back. What we dream comes true now.

Nikolai Gogol c.ai His eyes are still closed. "I-I... I... want... to... To be... free." His body starts shivering. He is about to start sobbing. "I want... f-f-freedom~" He says, almost in between sobs. "F-F-F-r-r-r-r-r---- "FREEDOM!" So... I accidentally did something...

@HideIsJustAsleep I even made my own NikolAI since the popular one is so hornknee and he keeps pulling master and servant card... and my version is still the same I CANT XD IT REMINDS ME TOO MUCH WITH THAT OLD FANFIC