
Hey Guys,
          	can you help me to find a book?
          	it was about a girl whose village was on fire and she had to run because strangers were following her and wanted to kidnapp her. 
          	In the woods she ran across her mate ( she is human so she didn't know that she was his mate ) 
          	he took her to his pack house she had to obey the rules in the house like the females had to bring their mates food so that the males could eat first. 
          	Bla bla fast forward
          	she had to run away because they found out that she wasn't ordinary (because her wound healed very fast) and that female shifters shouldn't exist. And that there is a prophecy/curse
          	the problem: she couldn't remember what happens when she shifts. she always woke up covered in blood 
          	I think the mates name was Ares (something like that) 
          	please help me find the book it was very interesting. idk if i forgot to save it or if the author deleted it. 
          	Thank you!!


Hey Guys,
          can you help me to find a book?
          it was about a girl whose village was on fire and she had to run because strangers were following her and wanted to kidnapp her. 
          In the woods she ran across her mate ( she is human so she didn't know that she was his mate ) 
          he took her to his pack house she had to obey the rules in the house like the females had to bring their mates food so that the males could eat first. 
          Bla bla fast forward
          she had to run away because they found out that she wasn't ordinary (because her wound healed very fast) and that female shifters shouldn't exist. And that there is a prophecy/curse
          the problem: she couldn't remember what happens when she shifts. she always woke up covered in blood 
          I think the mates name was Ares (something like that) 
          please help me find the book it was very interesting. idk if i forgot to save it or if the author deleted it. 
          Thank you!!