
Sorry guys but this channel is practically dead, after the security breach I have stopped writing on here. If I do start up the chapters will be extremely short 


Hi guys. Sorry I haven’t been updating much. I have been pretty busy and trying to juggle multiple stories is hard. So I’ve decided that if only one or a few people express interest in my stories I’ll post straight to them. This means I won’t have to write out whole chapters and you guys can still read the stories you love. Hope you guys understand 


Hi everyone, in all this panic I have gotten the chance to write and draw more so uh.. expect to see more stuff
          Also stay safe everyone and wash your hands 
          And please stop stripping the shelves you don’t need a garage full of toilet paper, flour and water bottles. We can get through this but only if there’s enough for everyone so please calm down and good luck to all


Please sign the petition on my profile description...(I feel like such an ad, feel free to block me 0-o) it's about comfort women, who were girls consisting of age 14 to 22. They were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese during WW2. They haven't gotten an apology.  Please consider signing the petition for those women. I can send you the link if you would like to, sorry for taking up your time!


No it’s okay I’ll check it out