
maaf telah menghilang cukup lama. aku kembali mengobati kerinduan kalian. maaf sekali lagi maaf aku telah menghilang terlalu lama. maaf kan aku readers tersayang :(


          its seems like my lovely boy scream now! hehe
          i am so sorry for being so late. but now i can find my harmony back. its not easy to come back life like a poor zombie. but now, here i am. lovely is here :)


Hay guys.. i've finished ’she is here' yesterday. And i know you wait the new beginning of other part. Jadi sesuai janji ku, aku akan mulai bikin sequel cerita ini, tapi maaf kalian harus menunggu sampai satu bulan sehabis lebaran :(
          Dont worry.. aku akan publish sinopsis dan cover nya bulan depan mungkin. Semoga aja bisa dimajuin.
          Thanks for read my story.. i love you guys :*