I just realize for my grade six writing project I wrote Dean x Castiel fanfiction. Damnit I'm a horrible person.


Yay, I am proud to announce that I have finished my batman book, yeet. My first real story. Damn it feels good to have something completed b/cause if you didn't know, I am not finishing my living with series. This is just an update I'm bored don't judge. I might post that rant book I talked about. 
          No judgement at the unimaginary bunker table,
          Sincerely,  ~IGNiK


          I don't care if ur following me because I read part of one of your books once, I am starting a rant book, so feel free to suggest rants and topics of discussion, but before I do anything I need to say and cannot stress this enough, NO HATE COMMENTS. PLEASE. IF YOU DISSAGREE WITH ME GREAT, I DONT CARE, GO START YOURE OWN RANT BOOK IM JUST STATING MY OPINION.
          No judgement at the unimaginary bunker table,
          Sincerely, ~IGNiK


Hey guys! I know some of you are following for the supernatural, some for the DC comics, but there is a new, uh, OC book, and I'm gonna post it now, so you have, until the end of December to post your OC in the comments! 
          No nudge net at the unimaginary bunker table,
          Sincerely, IGNiK.