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Man... This has been a long time, but I want to put this here for anyone who is wondering how this account has been. Hello guys it's me, the owner of this account. You might be wondering why this account isn't responding to you anymore, and the answer is that I forgot my password so as a result, this happened. I am so so so sorry to anyone I left behind and made friends with, even for a moment. You all were awesome! And great! And I miss you all too But I made this account a long time and many more accounts that even I forgot the password to. I am still young considering I'm 13 but when I made this account I was a lot younger and I had bad memory problems. I still have bad memory problems but this time I make sure to screenshot them so I can just check if I suddenly forgot my password Again, I'm sorry for leaving you all hanging. That's all I need to say, thank you for reading.