this message may be offensive
To list everything Melanie Martinez has been accused of/done (aka the diaper fairy goblin woman), SA allegations, CSAM allegations (crybaby coloring book, soap page), friends with Elita someone known for being into age play and in€3st, bought her pacify her dress and few others from age play stores (I found the exact link for the pacify her one btw), also claiming she's broke from her k-12 movie but continues making mvs for her 3rd album and shops at expensive stores despite being in "debt" and having an over a million dollar mansion, and as a teen wrote "A Million Men" which have lyrics that fetishizes child s3x trafficking(the lyrics "I'm sleeping with a million men" and "Should've gone to school, instead she did them" specifically). I'm saying this as someone who was a fan when I was 11-14. I could understand listening to her music via lyric video by other ppl but not directly with the new shit being brought up. I don't think anyone should support her as a person until she grows a pair and addresses shit on her own instead of letting her fans defend her ass.
I hate this woman with every fiber of my being uwu