
@Fireomist18 Hahaha... I don't know what it is about online work and 'authors' but I prefer reading them over an actual hold it in your hands kind of book... plus online books and stories can and most of the time are much more amusing then a normal book


@Fireomist18 I don't like reading books... like the sandwich with words type... the paper in-between two covers... those types of books but as I said I have an account on FanFiction.net and I am currently reading/following 149 stories and another 48 here on wattpad... I don't know but I just find books boring... I find most werewolf and vampire stories I love or will give a try but if they bore me most the time I'll try to push through but if it gets too boring then I'll just put the book down and not look at it again unless of course someone tells me something about it and I go and check it out but that rarely happens...