So uh it’s been a while..again- And I’m certainly not the same person from before. I was cringy as hell


Ok so I know it’s been awhile but um- idk what to say-


Yoooooo I just found out about Yaoyorozu x Dabi I was like the mha fandom scares me

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Part two of the story time I just posted: So I had changed tables with Alan( another Crackhead guy friend) but before I left to the new table skye said I was her favorite in the table so suck on that Alan! So I was with Oliver, Aiden( I fucking hated him but we kinda got along but think about Tsukishima and me arguing yeah that was us he was salty af and teased me a lot cause he was childhood best friend with my mans but he had to move and he suddenly came back wow how cliche) But bitch was like a Mexican Tsukishima with Black hair and younger. ( yes I had other people in my table but I don’t feel like mentioning them right now cause I’m lazy af) So I was with them and I remember a couple months later and we were in science class which was our last subject for the day. And Oliver being the annoying little shit he is kept touching my stuff and whenever he tried to touch my shit I would smack his hand away. So Aiden being Tsukishima and teasing me and Oliver being annoying touching my shit and laughing every single time I smacked his hand away cause he thought it was funny. Those two bitches got me in trouble I tried telling my science teacher let’s call him( searches up annoying names cause he was annoying af and had a deep af voice and screamed half of the time but he was funny so he gets a bonus) Bentley so anyone named Bentley I’m sorry but it’s what google said. So Bentley fucking interrupting me while I tried to explain what happened. And we had a new rule in school If you got these weird 3 thing they would call home so I almost got one for 1. Something I didint do 2. Was distracted by male students which he clearly noticed but blamed me for letting it happen and 3. Interrupting me while trying to explain why I was annoyed by the two male students obviously being distracting to me. So bitches got me in trouble I had to sit in front of him and once I left I fucking death glared the shit out of Oliver and Aiden but karma got its revenge cause Aiden broke his wrist

And Oliver lost his favorite pen and got hit with a soccer ball so suck on that!

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Storytime: this was in 4th grade and this was when I was in a table with Nicola(ya’ll remember him), Milan(another guy friend), skye(female friend), and An he was from Vietnam. So we were at our table being crackheads you know the usual me and Nicola being annoying and laughing, skye and Milan also laughing and Milan making jokes with Nicola and An getting annoyed by us. So we were watching videos you know school shit but aye it’s better than doing worksheets and stuff. So Nicola makes a joke about the cranberries cause we were watching a video on how they make cranberry juice. (Everyone in my table was dirty minded expect for An) so each of the classmates have a cranberry and drink cranberry juice. So my teacher let’s call her(searches up annoying names cause legit my teacher hated me cause I was the kid who drew during class all the time and I was fucking taller than her and she had attitude and got me in trouble for no reason) McKenna but anyone named McKenna I’m sorry but that’s what google says. Anyway McKenna had a cranberry in her hand and she kept touching it. Once she was done (annoying) announcing what we had to do she gives me the same cranberry she kept touching. (Dis bitch really hated me if she gonna give me the cranberry she kept touching) so I take it and look at it in disgust and once she walks away I clean it with my shirt. And Nicola was joking around can’t remember what he said but it was funny if I was wheezing and a Milan had a red face and was laughing like crazy. And Milan here didint like Takis and his face turned red whenever he ate one because he can’t handle the spiciness. So Nicola here saying like Damn you ok did you eat a Taki? And I’m dying of laughter even more with Skye and Milan. While An is like why am I with these Crackheads? ;-;. And McKenna doesn’t even notice this( kind of teacher are you if you can’t see children dying of laughter loudly) but anyway I ended up being in a different table a couple weeks ago. Ú^Ù

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Also I did not like the cranberry juice cause it tasted like fucking whine I legit thought the teacher put some shit in it and gave it to me but Milan and Nicola said the same thing so I was safe

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Storytime: I remember in 3rd grade I was friends with this guy named Nicola and he was one of my boyfriend’s friends too so um me and Nicola had a brother sister kind of relationship like we hate each other but still get along so Nicola had a really dirty mind and always made me laugh and gave me the gossip so thank you Nicola for that gossip but um I said he could draw whatever on like a part of my body just like no inappropriate body part so he chose my thigh which I guess I was fine with cause I never liked him and he never liked me tho a friend of mine called Isabel and she shipped us a lot like I remember she made me choke on my water so Nicola could do fucking CPR on me and I was like highly doubt the teacher would let that happen but anyway um he chose my thigh to draw something and since he was dirty minded I said like don’t draw boobs or some shit and he agreed and it was like summer and I had shorts on so he chose to draw............. A FUCKING DICK! I was like Ò-Ó and I totally forgot to tell him not to draw that and he started laughing and I was screaming at him so I called the teacher and said I had to use the bathroom and tried my best to hide the pen tattoo of a fucking dick and left the classroom. I enter the bathroom and wash that shit off I return to the classroom and Nicola notices and that it was washed off and started laughing again and I was laughing too telling him if he did it again I’ll crack his fucking neck and he did shut up. (He sat next to me in class so ✌️) and that really wasn’t the best choice to do because we were like the crackhead siblings of the school.

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So I’m a big simp for deku and I’m just casually drawing myself with deku but my sister pulls up behind me like the creep she is (legit thought she was asleep) this girl has the audacity to fucking delete the entire thing while I’m was doing the line art I’m looking at her like you are not gonna see tomorrow bitch.

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When she saw my face she was like looks like I’m dying tonight ✌️ No one fucking deletes my hard ass work like that