
I started writing again!! Are you peeps as exited as I am!? I'm changing the ankle of my writing tho. Taking a break on always forever, and going for some essay, diary thingy called imperfections, that you're more than welcome to keep up with. Let me know what you think, and if you have any suggestions, I'm all ears.


I started writing again!! Are you peeps as exited as I am!? I'm changing the ankle of my writing tho. Taking a break on always forever, and going for some essay, diary thingy called imperfections, that you're more than welcome to keep up with. Let me know what you think, and if you have any suggestions, I'm all ears.


Hi there.
          I am Maja, one of the volunteer ambassadors on here. I just wanted to come over and make sure you're getting the best out of Wattpad.
          If you have any questions, or if you just want to talk. Feel free to message me, either by pressing reply underneath here and tag me, or by messaging me on my profile. I'll do my best to help.
          I hope you'll have a great time here on Wattpad.
          - Maja, Wattpad Ambassador
          And in Danish: 
          Jeg hedder Maja, og jeg er en a Wattpad's ambassadører. Nu ved jeg ikke hvor længe du har luret rundt på siden, men ville da bare lige droppe forbi og skrive en hilsen. Hvis du har nogen problemer her på siden, så skal du da være velkommen til at skrive til mig. 
          Håber du får det bedste ud a Wattpad! 
          - Maja