
Wow its been a while since i've done anything big maybe its about time I do something. What do you guts think?


Write another big major story or i bring last year back and pet your hair everyday.


Continue It. Or face the awesome wrath of your worst nightmare. 
          get it through your thick blonde skull that I friggin love this story. So you need to continue it. If only for the sake of me and my sanity. A message from your awesome friend......and inspiration! Jk. I'm delusional.


Ok guys i need yooouuuuurrrrrrr help.......with two things 1.Should I continue Raven at this point it seems as though im pouring energy into a pointless work. 2. I need someone to write a description for what ever reason i cant. So if you guys could tell me or something that be Great!!!!! ~Raven